Parent Resources

Complaint Procedures
While Marin Child Care Council is not a monitoring agency, occasionally it does receive complaints from parents or concerned citizens about providers. MC3 is not authorized to offer any advice to parents or providers who may be construed as a recommendation or legal advice.
As a standard procedure all parents will be informed, at the time of referral, of their right to contact Community Care Licensing Division at 1-844-LET-US-NO (1-844-538-8766) to find out if any substantiated or inconclusive complaints have been made against child care centers or licensed family child care homes.
Licensing reports are also kept on file at all centers and family child care homes, and parents can ask to see them when a visit to the site is made.
Complaint Policy
Any complaint against a childcare provider that is received by Marin Child Care Council on a health or safety issue will be relayed to Community Care Licensing or Family Child Care Licensing as appropriate. Any complaint regarding abuse of child/children will be reported to Child Protective Services and the appropriate licensing body.
Complaints regarding health, safety, neglect or abuse will be handled as follows:
The person initiating the complaint will be requested to immediately make a report to the appropriate licensing body and Child Protective Services, if warranted.
MC3 staff will follow-up with Community Care Licensing or Children and Family Services to check the status of the complaint within two working days.
Uniform Complaint Policy
The California Department of Education, Child Development Division, requires programs receiving state and federal funding to inform participants of their rights to due process.
A Uniform Complaint is a written statement alleging discrimination or a violation of a federal or state law within the Child Development program or a variety of other state and federally-funded programs.
For information regarding the Uniform Complaint Policy and Procedures, contact:
California Department of Education Child Development Division
1430 N Street, Suite 3410
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
(916) 319-0929
Suspension of Services
Referrals to a provider will cease temporarily when:
The provider wishes to be inactive.
A license is invalid due to a change of site.
The licensing body requests MC3’s cooperation in the investigation of a licensing violation of a serious nature which involves the health and/or the safety of the child(ren) and/or a temporary revocation action is pending.
The licensing body notifies MC3 that a family child care home or center has had their license suspended, revoked or placed on probation, referrals will resume when the licensing body notifies MC3 that the suspensions has been lifted. (AB 72, Chapter 358)
MC3 management determines that the situation or conditions at the center or family child care home constitute a health and safety risk to children.
If possible, the provider will be informed in writing of the temporary withholding of referrals. The provider will not be informed if the licensing body requests our cooperation in maintaining the confidentiality of the investigation.
Referrals to a provider will cease permanently when:
A provider goes out of business or moves out of the area.
A license is revoked.
Providers will be notified in writing if referrals have been permanently discontinued. The notice shall include the reason(s) for the decision and shall inform the provider of the process for appealing the decision.