Want to become an Early Childhood Educator?
Everything you need to know about initial and ongoing requirements to teach in ECE in Marin County
*everything that is underlined and bold is a clickable link
*If you are a new Family Childcare (FCC) provider looking into applying for a license please click here.

From ECE classes to completion of
a Degree or Credential
Completing a minimum of 12 units of Early Childhood Education (ECE) courses can build a starting foundation for the care of children, 0-8 years old. For classroom programs, these 12 units are required.
The required ECE classes are;
1) Child Development,
2) Child/Family/ Community,
3) Principles and Practices and
4) Curriculum.
For educators who work with infants and toddlers, an additional 3 units in Infant/Toddler development or care will be required as well.
Here are some colleges to consider for your education journey:
UC Riverside (courses in Spanish)
*Please note when looking for "ECE" classes they may also be listed as Education or Child Development courses depending on the college.
Another stop on your professional journey might be to apply for a permit issued by the CA Department of Education. Depending on the program you are employed with, this may be a requirement for your position and your employer can assist you in starting the process.
Click here to learn more about permits.
Click here for a Teacher Consortium stipend
to help pay for the cost of the permit.
For Child Development Permit support contact MCOE staff:
Tanya at ttyalor@marinschools.org
or Iris at imarin@marinschools.org.
Health & Safety requirements
Maintaining the health and safety of our children is a primary responsibility for our caring field. Therefore educators have health screening and training requirements to ensure childcare environments are safe.
Health/ Safety training ($)- Required for one person in each classroom and for every FCC provider before opening. Click here for a list of agencies that provide training.
CPR/First Aid training ($)- At the start of hire (For FCC before opening a daycare) and then required to re-certify every two years thereafter. Click here
Mandated Reporting (free)- At the start of hire and then required to re-certify every two years thereafter. Click here
Fingerprinting ($)- A fingerprint clearance is required before any educator can begin to work with children. It starts with a request by your employer (or by licensing for FCC) and you will need to use the specific form given to you. Depending on when or where you last were fingerprinted, you may be eligible for a fingerprint transfer.
Educators have options to complete fingerprinting
anywhere a "livescan" fingerprinting service is offered.
Licensing (CCLD), Operation and Recordkeeping Orientation (small fee)- Required for center directors. Online orientation is available here.
Integrated Pest Management Training (free)- For centers only, complete training annually. Click here
Licensing (CCLD), Family Child Care Home Orientation ($)- Online orientation is available here.

Ongoing Professional Development
The field of ECE is continually growing and improving in support of quality care of our youngest children. Whether you are looking for training for your professional growth or to maintain hours to update your CA Permit/ CDA credential, you can click here to find local and online opportunities.
Marin Child Care Council- (ECE, FCCH, TK)
*Professional development hours are tracked through www.caregistry.org
Create an account, and save the password and CA registry number in a safe place (you will need your CA Registry number to register for many of these trainings). If you need help you may stop in the R&R office Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm.