Job Link

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College of Marin
is seeking two
Preschool Lead Teacher "Child Study Center Specialist III"
Posted January 2025
We're pleased to announce two job openings at the College of Marin’s Child Study Center.
We are looking for two Preschool Lead Teachers, titled Child Study Center Specialist III, with a starting salary range of $40.31 to $44.43 per hour (steps 1 to 3). Normal entering step is Step 1.
The priority screening date is February 14, 2025.
See link below for the complete job description and instructions on the required documents to apply.
Thank you,
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.
Ruthie Reeder, M.A.
Director of Child Development Program
College of Marin
Office: 415-457-8811 ext 7132