Overview of ASQ-3/ASQ SE-2 Training
Mon, Oct 23
Suzanne Kreuzer will be joining us to show you the ASQ 3/ ASQ SE-2, screening tool.

Time & Location
Oct 23, 2023, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
About the event
About the event:
- Review benefits of developmental screening
- Describe features of ASQ-3/ASQ SE-2
- Learn to score ASQ-3/ASQ SE-2
Other things to know
• This is a virtual training. Please turn on your cameras. ZOOM link will be sent at noon on the day of the event • Please keep your mics on mute when you are not speaking. • We understand you are in your home environment and things may come up. However, your participation is required. We will be checking on you from time to time via chat just to make sure you are still actively participating. Please respond promptly through the chat. • If you get disconnected go ahead and log back in. • You must be in the room 6:45 pm in order to receive credit for attending. Any participants that sign in after 6:45 pm can stay but will not receive credit. • In order to receive your 2 hours of professional growth for attending the training, you MUST complete a survey at the end of the training. • The survey will prompt you to put in your full name, zip code, workforce registry number, email address and place of work, i.e. your center or work site. • This survey has all the information needed to ensure we give you 2 hours of professional growth; therefore, it is important that you fill it out correctly, otherwise you will NOT be receiving credit. • If you leave EARLY, you will not be fulfilling the required time. Therefore, you will not be receiving any credit. • Please allow 5 business days to see the attendance credit reflected on your registry.